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Today's Winners at Font Del Llop

G. Temple, P. Meggison, E. Jensen, M. V. Broucke, R. Nilsen, F. Normann


 Gold Category  Winners

E. Jensen 38 pts R. Meggison 34 pts.

Silver Category Winners

M.V. Broucke 30 pts, R. Nilsen 31 pts.

N.T.P. and  2's Winners 

Hole 3 R. Nilsen, Hole 12 F. Normann 2's Winner R. Meggison

Best Guest

G. Temple

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  • Next Competition 6/2/25 El Plantio (1st round Eclectic)
  • 12/2/25 Campoamor
  • 19/2/24 AlicantennGolf
  • 26/2/25 Campoamor
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Font Del Llop  29/1/25

So this week it was back to normal stableford and  again Mrs. Jensen was hard to beat with her 38 points being the best score of the day and winning the Gold Category. and Peter Meggison took second place with 34 points

In the Silver Category it was a little closer with Roger Nilsen's 31 points being just enough for him to take 1st place over Martine Vanden Broucke's 30 points.

N.T.P. 's were:-

Hole 3 R. Nilsen, Hole 12 F. Normann

The 2's pot contained just €11 and the only winner was P. Meggison

Best Guest this week was Mr. G. Temple 37 points from handicap 3!!

Next week we are at El Plantio  for the 1st round of this years Eclectic Stableford competition, Please visit the competition Calendar page to reserve your place


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